Committed to sustainable, meaningful investments in all Texas students!

The Texas School Coalition exists to ensure Texas public schools can provide every student an excellent education, local decision-makers have meaningful discretion over local funds, and the school finance system balances sustainable state and local investments in the best interests of students and taxpayers.

Quick Facts

Recapture, also known as Robin Hood, is a program enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1993 that allows the state to take local property tax dollars from property-wealthy public school districts to help balance the state budget.

In the 2024-25 school year, 219 Texas school districts paid more than $3 Billion to the state of Texas in the form of recapture.

An increase in recapture from property-wealthy school districts does not increase school funding, but it does  reduce the state’s funding obligation to public education.

An increase in property values from property-poor school districts does not increase school funding, but it does reduce the state’s funding obligation to public education. 

The state legislature decides how much funding public schools receive.

In total, the state has removed over $45 billion in local property taxes from Texas communities through recapture.

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