January-May 2021 Member Communication Archive

Member Communications Sine die – May 31, 2021 School finance bill decisions finalized – May 30, 2021 The final countdown – May 26, 2021 One week to go – May 24, 2021 Quid Pro Quo – May 20, 2021 School finance bill to be considered by Senate this week – May 18, 2021 CSHB 1525 […]

March 2022 Primary Election Results

Texas voters had their say in the March 2022 Primary Election. While more than 25% of those registered to vote cast ballots in the 2020 Presidential Primary, only 17.3% of registered voters cast ballots in this Midterm Primary.

School Funding Still in Need of Improvement

Some people have recently tried to downplay the impact of recapture on schools and taxpayers by saying the State and the federal government have already made sizable investments to help our schools. These points are recommended to provide some important context and facts.

Testimony on SB 1

The Texas Senate is seeking to provide taxpayers with additional property tax relief, but only on a temporary basis. The legislature must make sustainable investments in tax relief and in our schools.

Recapture Takes Nearly $3 Billion From Local Schools

Texas school districts must send nearly $3 billion in local taxpayer funding to the state by Sunday under the state’s school finance law — a record amount that puts a crushing burden on taxpayers throughout the state while taking needed dollars away from their local schools.

CSHB 1525 Limits Local Funding

The Texas Senate’s Committee Substitute for HB 1525 includes a limitation for how much local funding school district are allowed to spend on students.  The bill requires that schools reserve an amount to be determined by the Texas Education Agency that may not be used until the 2024-25 school year.  The bill’s sponsor, Senator Larry […]

HB 1525 Communications Tools

Please see the resources available below to communicate about the Senate’s Committee Substitute for House Bill 1525.  In addition to the tools below, you can also see the talking points available at CSHB 1525 Threatens Funding for Public Schools. Sample Text Message for Senators One of the most effective ways to communication at this point […]

CSHB 1525 Threatens Funding for Public Schools

House Bill 1525 is billed as the “clean up” measure that addresses unintended consequences of school finance reforms passed in 2019. However, the Senate version of HB 1525 goes much further and could lead to funding reductions for many school districts. It would also severely limit districts’ ability to use federal education funds as intended.

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