Benefits of Membership

Analysis & Expertise

We provide the latest information on the school finance system, including analysis through our partnership with the Texas Association of School Business Officials. We work with members to determine how proposed changes would affect your specific community. The Coalition team is available to answer technical, district-specific questions and help you navigate the new system of finance.

Public Outreach

Local education leaders have a responsibility to keep local stakeholders abreast of state policy issues and developments. We give our members tools to communicate with your community about school finance issues. Our team is always available to visit with members about the best ways to engage with stakeholders in your community.


The Coalition provides member districts with regular updates on developments in Texas school finance. We keep you aware of policy developments in real time and equip you to share those developments with members of your community. The Coalition sends members regular updates via e-mail and hosts multiple membership gatherings each year.


The Texas School Coalition is a community of educators and advocates who share a commitment to meaningful, sustainable investments in public schools. Members connect with peers in other parts of the state who are similarly concerned about the proper balance of state and local investments in education and have confronted the unique challenges that the state’s school finance system places on our member districts.


The Texas School Coalition is the leading voice in Texas for keeping more local resources in local public schools and communities. We work closely with member districts to articulate the priorities of your community and your locally elected leadership. We engage with decision-makers so they hear and understand the unique concerns of taxpayers, parents, and educators in our member school districts.

If your district would like to become a member of the Texas School Coalition, please contact Christy Rome at 512-732-9072 or send a message to

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