Statement on release of federal funds to schools
Statement from Christy Rome, Executive Director of the Texas School Coalition, concerning federal education funding.
Fund Balances Help School Districts Manage Resources

In simple terms, fund balance is the difference between assets and liabilities in a governmental fund as of the close of the fiscal year. School districts use their fund balances to responsibly manage cash flow — especially in districts that pay recapture and cannot lean on regular state funding.
Federal Relief Funds: Schools Left Waiting as Texas Stalls

Rather than trying to determine how to distribute federal dollars to the schools that need them, Texas is trying to withhold them. Some 40 states have started distributing dollars to their schools, but Texas has not.
Texas legislators must allow federal money to flow to schools
An opinion editorial co-authored by Justin Henry, President of the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees and Tammy Richards, President of the Plano ISD Board of Trustees
Preserve local control and flexibility

Locally elected school boards should have the flexibility to make decisions that are best for their communities’ unique needs.
Testimony on Senate & House Budget Bills

In testimony, the Coalition asked members of the Senate Finance Committee & House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article III to provide aid to schools to address the learning loss caused by disruptions, and allow for local control in the use of those dollars.
COVID-19’s Impact on Education

The coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on public education in Texas, and it will take years to overcome that impact.
Statement on Initial Budget Proposals

The Texas budget-writing process will play out over many months, and we encourage supporters of public education to continue to advocate for meaningful state investments in our students. These base budget proposals provide a very encouraging start.
After challenging year, support for public schools is critical

In order to meet the state’s future workforce needs and give all Texas children the opportunity to succeed, it is critical that the state continue to invest in public education.
Joint Letter to Governor Abbott

Educators and other school staff members have put their lives on the line to keep schools open. The least we can do is protect their jobs and provide the resources they need to serve our students in a crisis.